File browser freeze


Jan 16, 2004
I am having a problem on vs 2003 IDE. I can't seem to browse at a decent speed . It takes up to 15 minutes to add a file. Everytime i open a directory the file browser hangs up to 10 minutes. I am getting this problem on my desktop and pc.
What are your comps' specs? What other processes do you have running? What does the task manager say about processor and memory usage for applications running on your computers before and during the anomoly? How many files do you have in your solution/projects? That's interesting that it happens on both of your computers.

I've noticed that 2003 ussually takes a few minutes to start up for the first time for the day (my theory is that it is loading the quick help MSDN stuff) but other than that, I haven't noticed any major slow downs that weren't related to something else going on on my computer, such as seti@home or a defrag.
What about memory? It would make sense that CPU usage would be low if your applications are taking forever getting data from memory becuase of paging. How many files/folders are loaded in the IDE? Is this a new behaviour or has it always been kind of slow? At what point did you notice you were really having problems?
I think i found the problem , It seems it is disconnected network drives. When i remove them the problem goes away. This quite strange because it wasn't get stuck on drive changes but on directory changes.
One thing that alot of people say helps is to disable "Dynamic Help." It just seems to get in the way anyways.