File access in ASP.Net, works in Windows app


Junior Contributor
Dec 31, 1969
Orlando, FL
I use a web service to write data to another program. To make the web service work, it wraps the .dll of that program and uses it to log in

This week, for no apparent reason, the thing stopped working on my Windows 2000 Advanced Server. The error it throws tells me that it can't access the root directory of the other program

I have a Windows app that works the exact same way. This works fine on the same server.

Does this give anyone an idea of where my rights issue would be? I am stuck.
Windows app will use the current login user right to execute. But for Web application, it is not, the default user is IUSR_PCName. You can change the default user in IIS -> Directory security -> Anonymous access and authentication control...

Please take note, after you change the default user, it means all the internet users access to your web application got this new user right.
bungpeng said:
Windows app will use the current login user right to execute. But for Web application, it is not, the default user is IUSR_PCName. You can change the default user in IIS -> Directory security -> Anonymous access and authentication control...

Please take note, after you change the default user, it means all the internet users access to your web application got this new user right.

Already using anonymous access, and the IUSR has full rights to the directory on the server where the file it needs resides.

Am I needing to get more creative with this, do you think?
Still not working? Maybe you can try to set the directory permission full control to "everyone", it might work.
bungpeng said:
Still not working? Maybe you can try to set the directory permission full control to "everyone", it might work.

Even that didn't work - something seems to be blocking the user from getting there.

I will probably play aroudn with impersonating another user if no one has another way to go on this
i have something likelly, i have an page, that executes code from a module, that creates a file, on the disk, but i got the error like thewizardofint, and im making the tests with the administrator user, and doesnt work...

i dont know why... i have iis 6, windows 2003 enterprise...

i think i would change the machine.config of the .net from machine to system, because in my work i have it in this way, and its working, and at home doesnt...
