Faxing in ASP.Net using fsxcom.dll fax service


Dec 24, 2003
Has anyone successfully faxed through an ASP.Net web page using the Fax service on the web server.

I have a Windows 2003 web server. And keep getting an Access is denied error. . i've given full rights access to aspnet account, iusr_machinename account, my own account, nothing works. I cannot change the identity impersonate to true, this would make the rest of my application not work correctly because i use windows authentication, and every user would be using the same id which defeats the purpose

Im using the code thats all over the internet ....

Dim FaxServer As Object
Dim FaxDoc As Object

FaxServer = server.createobject("Faxserver.FaxServer")
'Create FaxServer object...

FaxServer.Connect("servername") <---This line always produces the error.

'For servername i've put the computer name of the web server, i've left it blank, i put the unc \\computer name of the web server, i've put "." all get the same error: Access is Denied
' I've also added a reference to fxscom.dll and used an import statement at the top of code and created the faxserver object like this: Dim FaxServer As New FAXCOMLib.FaxServer, still doesn't work

'Create document
FaxDoc = FaxServer.CreateDocument("c:\inetpub\wwwroot\wz\testfax.txt")

FaxDoc.FaxNumber = "8604293542"
FaxDoc.RecipientName = "John Doe"
FaxDoc = Nothing
FaxServer = Nothing
Try giving full permissions to the Everyone user account, just to see if it works. You might not want to leave it that way, but it will get you started in the right direction as far as solving the rest of your problem is concerned.
Faxing with fxscom.dll

Rodenberg said:
Try giving full permissions to the Everyone user account, just to see if it works. You might not want to leave it that way, but it will get you started in the right direction as far as solving the rest of your problem is concerned.

Yeah, i tried that, still no luck. It must have soemthing to do with COM Object permissions, and not actual file system permissions. . im still stumped. I think something needs to be setup in the Component Services Console. . which i've never used, and have no idea how to use....

Thanks for the response though..