

Jan 23, 2005
everytime i run this program i get an error, and this line of code is highlited in yellow, Game = New GameClass()

can anyone help me =/ this is the error message i get

An unhandled exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in Direct3d Initilization.exe

Additional information: File or assembly name System.Drawing, or one of its dependencies, was not found.


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It might help if you cited where you got your source code from (:mad::mad: :mad: *2 billion - but I'm serious though).

I downloaded the source just now, and I don't see anything wrong with it.

Additional information: File or assembly name System.Drawing, or one of its dependencies, was not found.

Just do:
Dim b as Bitmap
Dim p as Point

(Bitmap and Point exist in the System.Drawing Namespace)

If that doesn't work (aka:it becomes underlined when you type it in, or it complains about the System.Drawing thing then:
-Restart your computer. Create a new project and see if it works. If not then:
-Uninstall and Reinstall the .NET Framework SDK (Version 1.1) and see if it works. If not then:
-Uninstall .NET and the .NET Framework, and reinstall them both. If not then:
-<You're screwed>

-The Pentium Guy
Wow! Someone just emailed me, having the same problem. Some guy on my forum posted, having the same problem. And another guy on my forum posted, having the same problem. Oh my gosh. Has anyone tried downloading the source? (I'll have to get a floppy...damn). Something fishy is going on here.

-The Pentium Guy
Yeah it worked fine for me in 2003, i'll have to give the 2002 version (with all 3 versions of DirectX that I have) a try.

It could be a problem with the December update... I don't have that version, but I'll give it a try.
