Error Reporting Problem


Junior Contributor
Aug 20, 2003

I have a strange problem that has just started to happen, when I run a program in VS to test it, if it comes to an error instead of stopping and reporting the error it ignores that section of code and carries on.

Is there an option in VS that allows it to do this, something like ignore errors, had a look but nothing jumps out.

Thank you.
Under the debug menu you can select "Exceptions..." where you can choose whether to handle all exceptions, or only those that are not handled in your code. You can apply this setting differently for different types of exceptions.

If you are only catching unhandled exceptions, your code (or, possibly, framework code) could be catching exceptions and swallowing them. In this case you need to make sure you handle all thrown exceptions, otherwise you'll never see them.
Hi Snarfblam

Thank you for your reply, I have looked at that and it should be throwing exeptions for anything not handled. In one case it is automaticlly seting an uninitialised int to 0.

Just weird
There is a known issue with the 64 bit version of the framework were exceptions thrown in a form load get skipped over, I will try to dig up the KB article if I can. Unless you need a 64 bit app you could try setting the project to build as x86 and see if that helps.
Thanks PlausiblyDamp

The project is set to build as x86 and still have the probelm.

Found the KB Artical PlausiblyDamp, Doesn't look like they are going to fix it might have to go back to 32 bit op system as just spent 3 hours looking for what turned out to be a typo :mad:
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