Error in VS.NET


Senior Contributor
Sep 10, 2002
I get this error when I try to create a new web project (AAA) using VS.NET 2003:

The Web server repoeted the following error when attempting to create or open the Web project located at the following URL: 'http://localhost/AAA'. 'HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error'

Anyone know how to solve this problem? I did unstall and reinstall IIS + VS.NET 2003, but still get the same problem...
Did install iis before if you did not.You need to register by using the Aspnet_regiis - i command in dos prompt.Search for the file on your drive.
Check your event viewer .The error should either be in your system or application log. If says anything about meta data not being found your screwed. You say this happens when you start a new project?
Yes, this error:

The server failed to load application '/LM/W3SVC'
The specified metadata was not found

So how to solve?
Had the same problem.Tried everything from meta data editors to Uninstalling iis 4 times.In the end i reinstalled windows.Couldn't find anything on the web.If you find a way to get pass this please post it.
One question. Are you running xp Prof and did you move your pc recently without shutting down properly.
Yes, I am running XP Pro. I not sure whether my PC without shutting down properly because sometimes my brother will use it to play game... You mean it is problem from XP pro?
I also ran Windows xp pro when i had this problem. It happened after a incorrect shut down. But it seems it can also happen on windows 2000 server as i was told by a network administrator friend of mine.He says he had to restore a systems backup to fix the problem.So beter pull out that xp cd and reinstall.
Reinstall Windows? then it is really serious.... too many things need to backup and reinstall...

I thought this should not so serious right? Just replace the corrupt file... the problem is not sure which file corrupted...
It is up to you. I have been checking the web so far i haven't found anything .If i do find a solution i will let you know.