Error in CrystalKeyCodeLib.Dll


Jan 13, 2004
I have a application with Crystal Report.
IDE is VS.NET 2002 and the bundled Crystal Report.

My Application is works fine in both Development server and the User Machine (access the appliction via Networkdrive).
But the Problem is Crystal report is creating error in the UserMachine only.(in Dev side works fine).

I did add all the mergemodules and assigned the Lincesekey to regwiz.msm.

First the appliction it says error as,
File or assembly name CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine or one of its dependencies, was not found.

The i copied all the CrystalDecisions*.dll to the installed folder(in Development machine)
Then is says,
File or assembly name CrystalKeyCodeLib, or one of its dependencies, was not found.
File name: "CrystalKeyCodeLib"

Then i copied this file to the same location.
Now it says,
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040154): COM object with CLSID {D97C7D7D-FF5B-4802-BE3F-D8748E986F7B} is either not valid or not registered.
at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.>()

I dont find any help for this.

Can anybody help in this?I worked 2 days on this.But i couldn't find anything useful.I really hate this error.

Create Setup and install your App, instead manualy coping file on target machine , or you can register DLL with:
Start-->Run-->regsvr32 path\your.dll

Thanks for ur help.

I registered the dll's.
But i got the different error as
"A Crystal Reports job failed because a free license could not be
obtained in the time allocated..."

For this,i looked through the document

First i checked the Licensekey in regwiz.msm,it is not wrong one.
So then i changed the Registry values
because the registry keycodes>CR NET default values are differ from the value which they asked to change in document.

Again i got the same error.

But i notice one thing here is,
after i installed my app, the keycode values in registry is changed to old one.

I dont know to proceed next.

yes.I tried that too. That patch is the Readme file and set of instruction to change the keycode values in Registry.
Hi Thanks for those who looked my Post.
Finally i got it work by Installing the Crystal Reports from .Net (bundled version) on Client Machine.
krsmurali said:
Hi Thanks for those who looked my Post.
Finally i got it work by Installing the Crystal Reports from .Net (bundled version) on Client Machine.

I have the same problem. I'm getting error:
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.OutOfLicenseException: A Crystal Reports job failed because a free license could not be obtained in the time allocated. More licenses can be purchased direct from Crystal Decisions or through the Crystal Decisions Online Store.

I have licenced version of Crystal Report for .Net (CR), I registered CR, I include keycode in merge module, but the error still exist.
I'm developing application in C#, and I need CR for making reports. But I can't install CR on every Client Machine (there are a lot).
Is there some other way to solve the problem?
Do I need to purchase licences for that? (Because that is the most stuped thing I heve ever heard).

Please Help me.

krsmurali said:
Hi Thanks for those who looked my Post.
Finally i got it work by Installing the Crystal Reports from .Net (bundled version) on Client Machine.


I am suffering the pain from an error
"A crystal reports job failed because a free license could not be obtained in the time allocated. More licenses can be purchased direct from Crystal Decisions or through the Crystal Decisions online store"

Now I want to know where to get "the Crystal Reports from .Net (bundled version)"