Error Creating Control


Mar 26, 2004
Hi all

Am just after dragging the Crystal Report Viewer onto my web page, however i am getting an "Error Creating Control" message...Any suggestions on what could cause such a prob. Am running 2003, and i only installed it last Friday.

Hi Mike

Did u get an answer to your question? I have the same problem. I have the correct version (Version=9.1.5000.0) displayed in my HTML screen. I dragged and dropped an instance of the Crystal Report Viewer onto my .aspx form with no problems before, now suddenly its acting up. Any solutions, short of re-installing...

Thanx in advance for any helpt
taz :p
taz said:
Hi Mike

Did u get an answer to your question? I have the same problem. I have the correct version (Version=9.1.5000.0) displayed in my HTML screen. I dragged and dropped an instance of the Crystal Report Viewer onto my .aspx form with no problems before, now suddenly its acting up. Any solutions, short of re-installing...

Thanx in advance for any helpt
taz :p

Hi taz,

Sorry to hear you are experiencing the same problem I was, ain't Crystal a pain. Ok, I did manage to solve the problem with the Crystal reports in that I found that there were 2 different version of Visual studio .net installed on the machine that I was working on (2003 and the version before that). So I simple removed the earlier version of .net and as far as I can remember everything worked grand.

One possible solution would be to remove the crystal viewers from would site and remove the references to the crystal viewers, and then try and drag on a new instance of the viewer...

There was one problem with trying to remove the earlier version of .net, in that when I went to Add/Remove Programmes, I could not distinguish between the two versions. That ment that I had to save all my work, and pick one at random. I was look in that the one I picked first time was the right one.

Hope this helps, best of luck with it.