Encrypting traffic


Mar 26, 2004
Hi all

Is it worth while encrypting the data that is sent between the front-end web application and the back-end web services and modules??

Depends on what kind of data yer sending and how paranoid you are ;)..

I would encrypt it... but then again, I encrypt everything. I implement encryption into my applications weather or not it's necessary or not.

Those black vans outside my house won't get my recipes for apple pie no siree bob!
Varghjärta said:
Depends on what kind of data yer sending and how paranoid you are ;)..

I would encrypt it... but then again, I encrypt everything. I implement encryption into my applications weather or not it's necessary or not.

Those black vans outside my house won't get my recipes for apple pie no siree bob!

Can you show me an example of how you are encrypting and decrypting the data or point me to a suitable encryption algorithm??


If it was just the encryption part your asking about:


And download the sample/source.

But perhaps you were asking about the encryption of data in your specific situation. But then again, I can't think of a reason why it would differ.

Encrypting traffic that would be sent over a network/internet simply entails putting a wee bit of encryption on the transmitting end just before the data is sent and decryption in the reciving end decrypting the data before the data is delt with as usual(by the application, whatever it is supposed to do). No changes should really be needed other than adding that little layer.

I might be missing something though, but I can't think of what in that case.
No, there's simply no point in doing this unless there's a significant geographical distance between the servers. If they're sitting on the same LAN they should be segmented on a separate subnet to avoid any packet traffic from reaching the rest of the LAN.

If you do decide to encrypt the communications, for the love of God use SSL. That's what it's there for.