email in users default mail client.. PLEASE HELP


Jan 3, 2004
I have wrote an page that has a form in the 1st panel. It collects the normal name, address, etc. etc... I have a verification panel that appears after Submit has been pressed that shows all the information put into the form.
What I would like to do is have a button (preferably) or a link that when clicked on will open the users default mail client with all their information in the body of the email.
How do I extract the information from the form and have it put into the body of the email?
Here is the code for the link:

<asp:HyperLink ID="mail" NavigateUrl=" <%# Name3 %> " Runat=server>

My problem is this part: <%# Name3 %> it is not extracting the data from the form or the variable assigned to the results of the form. (here is more code)

Dim Name3, Addy3, City3, Email3, Day3, Eve3, Age3, Yard3, Why3 As String

Sub Process (Src As Object, Args As EventArgs)
If IsValid Then
Name3 = Name.Text
Addy3 = addy.Text
City3 = city.Text
Email3 = email.Text
Day3 = daynumber.Text
Eve3 = evenumber.Text
Age3 = age_of_home.Text
Yard3 = yardsize.Text
Why3 = why.Text

NameOut.Text = Name3
addyOut.Text = addy.Text
cityOut.Text = city.Text
emailOut.Text = "<a href='mailto:" & email.Text & "'>" & email.Text
daynumberOut.Text = daynumber.Text
evenumberOut.Text = evenumber.Text
ageOut.Text = age_of_home.Text
yardOut.Text = yardsize.Text
whyOut.Text = why.Text
input.Visible = False
output.Visible = True
End If


End Sub
Sub Clear (Src As Object, Args As EventArgs)
Name.Text = ""
addy.Text = ""
city.Text = ""
email.Text = ""
daynumber.Text = ""
evenumber.Text = ""
age_of_home.Text = ""
yardsize.Text = ""
why.Text = ""
input.Visible = True
output.Visible = False

End Sub


Please help.