Easy question:System.DateTime.Now


Mar 8, 2004
I want to display datetime on my pages...But i want the datetime to increment..like clock ticking... Not static datetime...

For example, if the page is opened at 9:00:00AM and it's been open for 2 min on the same page..I want the time displayed to actually go to 9:00:01, 9:00:02...

You know what I mean? like system clock..
All the server (.NET code) can do is grab the time from the server and display it

it cannot automatically update the time on the client's browser because once the server gives the browser the HTML, it is done talking to the browser unless the user changes pages, posts, does something to make the browser goto the server

you have to use a client side language, like Javascript, to change the display dynamically and in "real time"