

Jun 29, 2003
Poway CA
OMG i'm going to cry i'm soo confused about dx9. I did the tutorials and.... i DONT UNDERSTAND! all i wonted to do was create a simple ball game but NO! i got a crap load of... crap... Can someone PLEASE give me a BELOW BEGINNER(morron) site site for dummies for dx9?
Perhaps you should start with something less complex, like GDI+. Then you can work your way into the complex areas of 3D graphics with DirectX a little bit easier after you understand some basics.
I'm going to look at the turoial for dx9 right now but i have heard about GDI+ but i dont know anything about it.. how should i learn about it?
There's nothing really to learn about GDI+, it's simplistic in every way. Just browse through the System.Drawing namespace and take a look at the various classes (Graphics and Bitmap object mostly). Although if you're really in need of help I'm pretty sure there's some how-to articles on MSDN you can look up.