DX9 gone crazy


Dec 26, 2003
I am using VB.NET to create a game on DX9. When I started the project everything was good, but from some point weird things started to hapen. First of all I can't see the DirectX references from Add reference dialog. I have to browse for them c:\windows\microsoft.net\managed directx\. I have 2 directories there with diferent versions: v9.00.0900 and v9.00.1126. The 1126 will throw many errors and doesen't work at all. The 0900 version works fine, but in direct input the mouse dosen't work (action mapping). So i checked the ActionMapping sample wich came with the SDK and the mouse doesen't work there too.

I have already uninstalled and reinstalled the newest SDK, but it doesen't make any difference.

Any ideas ?
you need to install the summer 2003 update, the managed directx update and the IDE update

I have installed the summer 2003 update, but what is that IDE ?
Nothing changed after any updates i did !
the IDE update patch makes sure the Managed DirectX help is available from within the IDE. Without it the help on it does not show up within IDE