DX9 and Visual Studio 2002 problem


Nov 13, 2003
I'm running Visual Studio .NET 2002 Academic and have tried to install the DX9 SDK but it wont work.

I have read this thread because I get the same "missing microsoft.directx.dll" error message but the solutions proposed there didnt help :(

I have tried installing the DX9 SDK (about 220MB) and the DX9 SDK Update Summer 2003 (about 170MB) but I get the same result with both...

It seems like people using VS .NET 2003 have no problems with this so if it wont work because I am running an "old" version of VS please let me know because I can't find anything about incompatibility issues...

Thanks in advance
I read the MS list of requirements and they don't mention VS 2003, but I do know for a fact that I read it somewhere that you must have 2003.
Maybe I should just get the 2003 version and save myself some time :-\

I've tried referencing the files manually but I cant get to work... never done that before though so not so sure I did it correct :rolleyes: Only place I could find settings for adding paths and stuff was some C++ settings and since I'm using C#.... well, I dont know, VS 2003 sounds like a good idea :p

Probably a wise idea. Although 2003 was a "C++ release," much in the same way that 2005 will (unfortunately) be a "VB release," there were plenty of C# changes between 2002 and 2003 to make buying it worthwhile. I cringe when I have to use 2002. :)