Dropdownlist and date format????


Jun 4, 2003
Does abyone knoes how to display the things u chose from the drop down list???

for example i have a dropdownlist which contained time and then i chose a time that i want but how to display it by using a label???

follow by that the other question is how to changed the format of the date.

for example by default the date is 9/7/03..is there anyway to changed it to 9th july 2003????? all help are apreciated...

thanks in advance.....
i'm sorry..din phrase my question properly i am now using visual studio .net and vb.net for this application...
where should i place the code in html or aspx.vb???
coz when i place it in aspx.vb there is an error know as fomat not declared..but when i put in the html file nothings happened???
Does abyone knoes how to display the things u chose from the drop down list???

for example i have a dropdownlist which contained time and then i chose a time that i want but how to display it by using a label???

Use the SelectedItem property; ComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString();