DrawText problems


Jan 14, 2003
This one is throwing me off.. Finally learning some stuff in DirectX and can't get by this one. Let me say right away that this works on 2 of my machines with GeForce cards. The card in this machine is an S3 ProSavage DDR (not the best but it what i have to work with) There is another machine with this same card and it happens on there as well. I have the newest drivers (that they offer at least)

The text shows the first few letters/numbers and then just gets scrambled, whether i move to a different line, or continue on the same one. The rectangle i am using to draw on is stretched far enough, and it's not a font issue, as I can change fonts and see the different font for the first few letters.

My question is this: Is there something I can check for that this card is not capable of doing, or is this just a driver issue with this particular card?

Here's the shots to explain, thanks for any help in advance,


[woops.. should be in DirectX forum]


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i think your lines are redrawn on eachother one leaving small bits visible
i think jou use some kind of copy each time and the copy is placed at the wrong points.