Draw live video feed as background, and display 3D graphics on top


Aug 12, 2003

I extract live video from a camera, and I want to display this as the background of a Direct3D application.

What I want, is to use the live video as background, and then draw 3D graphics on top.

The video images are either on array form (unsigend char) or on a proprietary format (National Instrument's IMAQ Image).

How can I do this in the most effective manner? I want as many frames per second as possible.

Suggestions, tutorials, example code etc. are highly appreciated :-)



PS! I have used OpenGL in the past, but not Direct3D (yet). I am open to use both C++ and/or C#. Have not set my mind yet.
It reminds me of Final Fantasy 7 on the pc. There was some scene like the Goldsaucer flyer and others where you could see that the picture was getting blurry because of the poor quality of the video in the background. You could still see the main character in good 3D.

As for help, I cannot do more for you.
You could try putting pic on a Direct3D Surface, CopyRects it to the background then do you're normal BeginScene>EndScene>Present (This is working on D3D8 logic so the function CopyRects may have a replacement)