I have this application where i drop a audiofile in a textbox and it then uses besweet to encode the file. It almost works great, besweet does it work, but looks like the application doesn´t recognize it has ended. I use the follow code (that i found at microsofts homepage):
The messagebox never popup, i have looked in the task manager and besweet does terminate but the application dont see it.
Solution/Reason for that?
ProcessStartInfo pInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
pInfo.FileName = this.besweet;
pInfo.Arguments = "-core( -input \""+this.audiofile+"\" -output \""+this.finalaudio+
"\" -logfilea \""+this.logfile+"\" ) -azid( -c normal -L -3db )
-ota( -hybridgain ) -lame( -p --alt-preset "+this.bitrate+" )";
Process p = Process.Start(pInfo);
MessageBox.Show("Code continuing...");
The messagebox never popup, i have looked in the task manager and besweet does terminate but the application dont see it.
Solution/Reason for that?