In my web service i am loading a native c++ DLL at Load time.
This Dll exports a method which i need to use in my web service.
For this i have done following settings:
I have copied the Lib file and the DLL into my project folder.
I have specified lib file name in
Project->Configuration Properties->Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies
and specified DLL name in
Project->Configuration Properties->Linker->Input->Delay Loaded Dlls
In my web service's ".cpp" file i have added "# include" for the native Dll's header file and also a _declspec(dllimport) for the exported function as follows:
#include "CppClassExport.h"
__declspec(dllimport) int fnCppClassExport(void);
still i find that the DLL is not loading into my web service application when i am running the web service...hence the method is not getting called..
( i chked using Debug->Windows->module)
any idea if i have missed anything else required for Load time DLL loading..???
This Dll exports a method which i need to use in my web service.
For this i have done following settings:
I have copied the Lib file and the DLL into my project folder.
I have specified lib file name in
Project->Configuration Properties->Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies
and specified DLL name in
Project->Configuration Properties->Linker->Input->Delay Loaded Dlls
In my web service's ".cpp" file i have added "# include" for the native Dll's header file and also a _declspec(dllimport) for the exported function as follows:
#include "CppClassExport.h"
__declspec(dllimport) int fnCppClassExport(void);
still i find that the DLL is not loading into my web service application when i am running the web service...hence the method is not getting called..
( i chked using Debug->Windows->module)
any idea if i have missed anything else required for Load time DLL loading..???