dll hell is it really gone


Feb 27, 2003
Hi folks,
has anybody come across a problem like this.

I am using the Adobe pdf dll to allow me to load pdf files in my windows app.

No when i install the app for test purposes on the development PC it works fine, but after I de-install it I can no longer see the pdf component in Visual studio and the dll reference is not visible.

Is there something I am doing wrong in the deployment

The dll Adobe provides is not a .NET dll, its ActiveX, .NET Framework manages .NET DLLs. The DLL was probably removed or unregistered when you uninstalled your program if it used it.
Is there a way to avoid the uninstall doing this or to avoid putting the dll in the deployment as I want the users to have Acrobat Reader installed as a pre-requisite. The IDE included the dll directly itself.