Distribution of vb.net applications


Oct 16, 2003
Greencastle, Center of PA on Mason-Dixon Line
This is my first vb.net application.

I have developed an application that uses an Access database, I want to put this application on CD and distribute it for general use. I am just starting on this part of the project. I have down loaded the distribution Kit and the runtime framework. On my various test machines Win98 and XP home addition my first attempts have proven that there is more work to be done to make this distribution ready for prime time.

My question is what level of compatibility can I expect to gain with a .net distribution? Can I expect it to work on win95 machines? win98? and the other flavors of windows out there?

Can you advise me of any pitfalls, overlooks, or workarounds that I need to know about in the preparation of my application for distribution.

Application written using .NET will not work on WIndows 95. Both Windows 98 and ME do not fully support the framework, although it is really not much to worry about as most of it works good. If you want full compatibility then Win2000 and up will do it.
My first VB.NET application

Well thanks for the encouragement there. I have my application just about all ready to go, and it seems to work on my windows 98 test bed machine just fine. I am not worried about yo-yo still using win95 and earlier.

I have the net framework to distribuite on the CD rom along with my application.

QUESTION: What is recomened for creating a installation procedure?
