Distributing Applications based on the .NET framework


Mar 20, 2003
I have a 500K application built using compnents of the .NET framework like SOAP, webclient, windows forms, etc. Do I have to package the whole .NET redistributable with it (20+MB) for those without .NET? That's prohibitive for most people on dialup. Surely I would only need to include the parts that I used or how does this work? I love working with .NET but I don't think much more than 50% of online windows users have it, if that:( Is there any clean solution to distributing .NET applications? In 5 years this won't be an issue any longer, but that's little consolation to developers today.

Thanks for any comments, I appreciate your time.
Do I have to package the whole .NET redistributable with it (20+MB) for those without .NET?

Yes. .NET works just like Java. If they don't have the runtime, they can't use the program.
The trend for .NET downloadable programs is to just point the user to the Microsoft download page for the runtimes. There is no broken down version, only the whole lot, which is 24MB for the latest.
Why not, most of the computers will have .NET framework at some point, and there is more and more broadband users.