DirectX VBnet Making a Solid(filled) Ciricle


Jun 10, 2006
I have been strugeling with creating a solid circle for a week now. Is there no easy way? This is a small piece of my code. It draws circles on my back buffer, which I switch to screen. This works well! I am using Directx for speed.

backbuffer.DrawCircle(curx, cury, Radius)

But I need solid circles, how do I do it? I can't use a bitmap because I need to vary the size of the circle. I am not a vary good programer but can kind of muddle my way thru examples, but I cant find any examples that are basic enough for me to understand.
I am using VBnet 2005 pro.

Thank you!!!!
Figured it out! finaly

backbuffer.FillStyle = 0 'Sets graphics as solid
backbuffer.FillColor = ShapeBackGroundColor ' the fill color