DirectX trouble on Windows Server 2003


Mar 8, 2004
I am trying to run NFSV:Porches Unleashed. It requires DirectX 7. I could not find that out at Microsoft's site, only 7a, 8, 8.1, etc.

I installed 7a, but that did not work. Here is the error I get:
"You have DirectX 0. Please install DirectX 7. Could not load '.\drivers\registryz'[FILE=\real\patch3\pc\set3d.c,LINE=273]"

When I installed NFSV I kept getting the following error:
"Could not find Drives\Harddrive2\DR2". I don't know what that is but I kept hitting continue everytime I saw it and the program seemed to install ok.

When I look thru the registry, I see DirectX 6 and 8, but not 7 or 7a. I'm not sure why. Up until this point my OS installs have worked flawlessly.

I turned the graphics hardware speed up to max and I ran that dxdiag.exe program and enabled Direct3D.

Anyone have any clues as to what is going on here?
I think I solved it. When I installed Server 2003, it made my zip drive the C drive. This is a known Microsoft bug and MS's recommendation was to change the drive letter to something other than C. Now I have no C drive which seems weird. But NFSV works, AND it works great!
What? I should be denied access to LAN party games at work because I use Windows 2003? No way! Denial for us "managers" is uncalled for.

I think Windows 2003 is just as responsive as XP Pro for gaming. There were a few tweaks that had to be made as Windows 2003 IS made to be a server, not a game-enabled OS. But they were minor, mostly "undoing" the security features that keep servers "safe" from blue screens (such as enabling hardware acceleration).

For those that have had a chance to use Windows 2003 I think you'll agree that you'd never go back. For a development machine it's fantastic (multiple local websites, Active Directory tools built in, etc. etc.). It would be a shame to NOT allow games (like NT) "just because".

Now, back to the original topic...
I wonder if NFS ever worked on your machine, or just not in Windows 2003? Also, I'd make sure you've enabled all the hardware acceleration features in Windows (System Display properties, advanced, hardware acceleration) and DirectX (Direct3D, DirectSound, etc.). I would assume you already did this or else you wouldn't have gotten it working by switching your zip drive.

I'm surprised you even got your machine to boot without a "C" drive after you changed your zip drive's letter. I would have thought you'd be stuck reinstalling with your zip drive disabled until Windows came up (so that the zip could be D: or something higher). Great that it worked though!
Well, I have the same problem as Cleemons and Im trying to resolve it. But I dont have Win 2003 server, I have XP PRO DARN! And its the same problem....porsche unleashed require DirectX 7 And I have 9.0B...uh...Thats strange the devellopers havent prepare something for Newer DX version that 7....Are we supose to have 9.0? Anyway...I would like to change the C: drive to another letter but I dont know how...And also my porsche isnt installed on C: but on E: the third partition....Will it have the same effect?