DirectX SDK and .NET 1.1 Strangeness


Senior Contributor
Aug 23, 2002
I downloaded the SDK for DirectX, and to my surprise I couldn't reference any of the libraries. Well, being as I have Studio .NET with 1.0, I figured that I needed 1.1.

Going with that theory, I downloaded the .NET 1.1 redistributed and SDK, and then continued to d/l Borland C#Builder (not much of a choice). It looks like I was right - I needed 1.1 to use the DirectX SDK.

But now I have a strange oddity in my reference list. The DirectX libraries are listed as such;

Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D version 1.0.1901.0
Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D version 1.0.900.0

This is repeated for Direct3DX, DirectDraw, DirectInput, DirectPlay, and DirectSound.

I've only installed the DirectX SDK once. Why is it giving me this? :/ Is there any way to ditch the older versions?

In any case.. I take it the version I should be using is 1.0.900.0?
I found out that it's a known bug in the Summer Update release. So just a warning to anyone who hasn't d/l'd it yet; download the archived version of the SDK, not the Summer Update release. :)
Even with the updates (or the latest so called "fixed" Summer Update).. the bug is still there. Some folks on GameDev are reporting the same thing. It may not be this way for everyone, but just as a precaution, people may want to stay away.

The bug is with Visual Studio .NET 2002 only.
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I installed the SDK yesterday and after the setup finished copying files, it ran a small application wich was trying to remove the "old" Managed DirectX (with expiration date) and replacing it with the new one.

Unfortunately, it seems this application fails to remove the old one, but installs the new version.

That's why there are two versions of it in C# Builder (don't know if it happens in VS.Net 2003).

Just choose the 1.0.900.0 version of the assemblies, its the latest one (I think...)
Actually 1.0.1xxx is the latest version. When I was typing up the original post, I forgot a 0 in front of 1.0.9.. so it should read 1.0.09xxx.