directX for desktop capture


Dec 3, 2002

Im relatively new to the graphics end of things - GDI/GDI+/DirectX
and was wondering if the directX sdk has a good way of capturing the desktop to a bitmap image.

I have been using bitblt with getdesktopwindow, but i would like a managed code version. maybe theres some other managed way of doing it?

I'm not sure how to do it but I've seen tons of sample code searching google. You don't want DirectX for this - but you will probably want to use the Win32 API. I'd search google for "capture desktop screenshot c#" or something similar.

I think the BitBlt way you were using before is probably the simplest and most efficient way.
actually tell the user to hit "printscreen" or alt+printscreen(to capture only the window)

and paste it into paint.. or iirc, use like a sendkey function to force a printscreen, so the user doesnt have to press it, the program will ;)

i have been using bitblt and getdesktopwindow as volte force has helped me with - i was just trying to find some managed code way of doing it.

i guess i'll have to stick with a little bit of unmanaged code.

pentiumguy - thanks - but there are no users.. its an automated program

thanks again volte force for your help with this and my previous posts
Glad I could help. :) Oh and my name is VolteFace thankyouverymuch ;) (honest mistake, I know). :)
man thats wierd... ive been reading your name all this time as volteforce !! thats mad.. i must get my eyes checked! my apologies!
ThePentiumGuy said:
actually tell the user to hit "printscreen" or alt+printscreen(to capture only the window)

and paste it into paint.. or iirc, use like a sendkey function to force a printscreen, so the user doesnt have to press it, the program will ;)

Hi! ScreenVidshot allows you capture not only the windom but the desktop too.