DirectX and CPU usage


Jul 21, 2003

Does anyone know whether DirectX can relieve some of the CPU load from the PC and transfer it to the Graphics Card?

Currently, I am using NVIDIA Quadro 4 500 GoGL with DirectX driver installed.

I am hoping to use the extra CPU processing to handle other tasks like Windows Player, Excel Spreadsheet, etc.

Any help will be appreciated.


If you have a GFX card that provides graphics acceleration, and you specify that you wan't to use hardware accelerated graphics using this card it will certainly be a relieve for the CPU provided that you use Direct X functionallity.

The purpose of Direct X is to provide a single API for the coders so that they can write one set of code which can communicate with the graphcis and sound hardware independent of what functionality it provides. If the hardware doesn't support for example 3D acceleration, then Direct X will software render that graphics for you and you will still have a high CPU load.

Still, as a coder you can use a Direct X 2D surface and write your own 3D engine or your own 2D graphics library and you will still have the high CPU load. So to take advantage of hardware acceleration using Direct X you must learn to use it correctly :D.
