DirectPlay is deprecated. Now what?


Feb 22, 2004
So MS has deprecated DirectPlay, and they no longer plan to support it. Any advice on what networking library I should use? DirectPlay was soooo easy to use. I want something that simple.


nikhilhs said:
So MS has deprecated DirectPlay, and they no longer plan to support it. Any advice on what networking library I should use? DirectPlay was soooo easy to use. I want something that simple.


You probably won't find anything easy. I suggest you try Winsock.

I am sorry these tutorials are not based on VB.NET....but its the best I could find on a moments notice.
nikhilhs said:
So MS has deprecated DirectPlay, and they no longer plan to support it. Any advice on what networking library I should use? DirectPlay was soooo easy to use. I want something that simple.



Try directSound. Ive found this very useful and easy to use.
Write your own networking engine. DirectPlay didn't have that many useful features that would make writing something similar hard. It is actually easier than it sounds :).
mutant said:
Write your own networking engine. DirectPlay didn't have that many useful features that would make writing something similar hard. It is actually easier than it sounds :).

DirectPlay would be easy[ish], but what about DirectPlay.Voice? Seems to me that'd be a lot harder.