Difference between VB 2003 and VB 2005


Oct 14, 2004
Washington D.C.
Hi All,
We all know that the VS.NET 2003 IDE and the framework had a lot of bugs (like many other languages) in it. Just wondering if there is a listing of the different issues noticed in .NET 2003 that are fixed in the 2005 release?

I am more specifically looking for fixes in the TabControl (w.r.t. random tab reordering, enabling/disabling tab pages, etc.). I know there is a host of other bugs as well and would be interesting to know which ones have been fixed.

Any links ??

Well, I'm using a tab control and haven't noticed any problems with it in VB 2005. I never used VB 2003, so don't know what bugs it had, but if you'd like to post of list of them, I'd be happy to check and see if they still exist in 2005. So far, 2005 seems to be bug free, except that it does crash sometimes.
Tab Control Bugs (that were not in vb 6 but are in vb 2003):
1) At design time, the tab pages get reordered automatically without any user action! For eg, in a control with 5 tab pages, the 3 would become the 4th and 4th would go 5 and so on.

2) The enabled/disabled properties for tab pages does not work.

3) The hide/show property (visible) does not work for tab pages.

So one is forced to have workarounds/hacks for these bugs.

"VB 2005 is bug free but it crashes". Thats not very encouraging now, is it?


rbulph said:
Well, I'm using a tab control and haven't noticed any problems with it in VB 2005. I never used VB 2003, so don't know what bugs it had, but if you'd like to post of list of them, I'd be happy to check and see if they still exist in 2005. So far, 2005 seems to be bug free, except that it does crash sometimes.
I don't find that the tabs get re-ordered at all, and can't see any way to re-order them if you want to.

Re 2 and 3, the problem still seems to exist. The Visible and Enabled properties are hidden from the Intellisense, but you can use them, if you want, to no effect.

VB 2005 crashes occasionally when debugging. Not that often, but I agree it's not very good that it does so. VB6 used to crash for me too.
Actually, here's quite an irritating bug - if you have a toolstrip at the bottom of a form, and the form is maximised and you move the cursor over a button in that toolstrip and leave it, you will see the tooltip for about half a second, and the button will lose focus, then the button will regain focus and the tooltip will disappear, and so on - VB gets stuck in a loop and it looks awful.
The standard TabPage doesn't support enabled/disabled, technically. The help says the property exists because it must (it inherits from Control which has an Enabled property). Since this isn't a bug, it won't get fixed. Now they may add support for it but you'll likely be better off doing it yourself or using a 3rd party control. To do it yourself, simply use something like a Panel on each TabPage and enable/disable the Panel. Maybe not perfect, but as I said I doubt MS will "fix" what isn't technically broken.

I have seen the re-ording bug in VS, though not for some time. It appeared MUCH worse in VS 1.0. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen it at all (that I can recall) in VS 2003. My guess is that it was just a bug in their designer generating code, hopefully fixed by now.

In some of our forms, we had code that would remove all tabpages and re-add them at run-time to make sure they were in the right order. As I said, I haven't seen this at all in VS 2003 so maybe it's been fixed?

I also implement remove/re-add tab internally. There are a lot of controls placed on my tabs, and the removal-readd 'workaroud' does not look visually as good as it used to be in VB 6.0. Anyways, that is the only way available currently.

I heard in VB 2005 (have not tried it) that the "Generated code" sections of code would be inaccessible. Is this correct?
In VB8 Express, they are not listed in the solution explorer, but there is nothing keeping your from browsing to them in Explorer and opening them from there. In other words, they are inaccessible from the IDE. Hmm... magic codeless forms and default instances... kinda reeks of VB6. I moved to C# because the direction VB is taking strikes me as regressive (keep in mind that that's just my opinion).