Device Lost - how to restore graphics objects?


Dec 29, 2003
Hi Guys,

I hold in my application a various of Graphics objcets:
Surfaces, Textures and Vertices.

Some of them are loaded to Pool.Default, some to .Managed and some to SystemMemory.

I also have some "non regular objects", like the BackBuffer Surface, and a Sprite object

After my device is lost, and i want to reset it, how do i know which objects are lost and i need to rebuild them or load them ???

I gues the backBuffer and sprite i need to rebuild, but what about the textures and surfaces??

Thanks, LDV.
If you're only concerned with device lost, then you only have to take care of objects in default memory pool. Objects like Sprite have their own methods that you should call when device is lost or reset (you'll find the right methods by their name).