Determining if an event WILL be fired


Nov 4, 2003
Columbus, Ohio, USA
On my Page_Load event I want to test to see if a user clicked the Save button. Or another way of saying this is during the Page_Load I want to see if the btnSave_OnClick event is going to fire sometime after the Page_Load event. Is there any way to do this. Maybe looking through some events object or queue?

Out of curiosity - why? Wouldn't it be easier to handle the event in the button click itself rather than the page load?
It may help if you give a bit more detail about what you are trying to do as there be a better way.
Visual Basic:
dim thisbool as boolean

private sub page_load()
thisbool = true
end sub

private sub button_click()
if thisbool = true then
end if
end sub
Thanks for the suggestion TheNerd but that is actually the reverse of what I want.

Damp, on my page I have a grid that has checkboxes in one column. Users check various boxes and click Save. Depending on other conditions on the page I sometimes need to call a function to completely repopulate the grid(gridRefresh) during the page load ( and yes it does need to happen on the page load not the page_prerender). When I do this it destroys any information about the state of the checkboxes. If I've done the gridRefresh on the page load and then the the btnSave_OnClick event fires it believes that no checkboxes where checked because the gridRefresh has cleared the state of the grid. I can probably come up with an elaborate work around for this but if I just knew if the btnSave_OnClick was going to be called I could simply not call gridRefresh. Let me know if you need more info.

I forgot to mention that I can always set a variable using javascript depending on what button is clicked and check that in the Page_Load event but again I'd rather find a simpler way to do this. Sometimes it would just be useful to know what else is still going to happen before the page gets sent back to the client.