Desktop and Program Files Link


Junior Contributor
Dec 31, 1969
Orlando, FL
I simply cannot get these to work.

Is there a tutorial anywhere that tells you how to configure the Desktop and Program files link? The best I have ever managed is to put an icon in there.
I dont know if I understood you well,

You need to learn how to create a shorcut for your application on the Desktop and in the Program Files?
Select the Setup project

Click on the File System Editor Icon (Top Left) in the solution explorer.

Select the User's Desktop folder, right click the right pane and select Create New Shortcut. Browse for the primary output in your application folder and click ok. Name it whatever you want and thats it, once you deploy you will have a shortcut on the desktop.

As for the program files menu, simply select the Users program menu, right click it and select Add > Folder Name it what ever you want ex:MyCompany . Select the MyCompany folder and right click the right pane and select create new shortcut, follow the same steps as above and you are done.

Hope this helps,