Designing a plugin based program


Jul 2, 2002

i am hoping to design a plugin based program that will allow me or anyone else that uses to my program to extend its capabilities.

I already saw divils excellent plugin post but i was wondering if anyone knew of something more in depth. I am new to writing this kind of app, and i know they use "hooks" which i have a general idea of how they work but not enough to actually write one so its usable.

I would like to make my app hve the ability so if someone say wanted to write a plugin that would automatically fill in some text box after the user got done entering information into a different textbox. That is just one example.

I really have no idea of how to implement this and was wondering if anyone knew of someplace to find this kind of info. I did a couple searches on google etc... and was not able to find anything of importance.
Hooks as you might know it from VB6 isn't necessary in .NET. You will have to be a little more specific about what you don't understand from divil's tutorials. I used his tutorials in the last week to figure this out in my own program. I would be glad to help but I will need to know what specifically you need help with.
Thanks for the replies guys, i just read over the tutorial real quick that was in the knowlegde base forums. That link philprice provided has an example to download at the bottom, im gonna toy with it some and see what i cant come up with. Thanks for the help guys...