Deployment with .Net Framework in VS 2005


Jul 10, 2003
Maybe I didn't try hard enough. But I really couldn't find any solution on the net. :confused: I am trying to include dotnetfx.exe into my setup.msi so if the target machine didn't has framework 2.0, the setup will install the framework automatically(not download from the internet) before install my program. So is there way to set this up? BTW, is BootStrapper already included in VS 2005?

Thanks in Advance.
Worrow said:
Maybe I didn't try hard enough. But I really couldn't find any solution on the net. :confused: I am trying to include dotnetfx.exe into my setup.msi so if the target machine didn't has framework 2.0, the setup will install the framework automatically(not download from the internet) before install my program. So is there way to set this up? BTW, is BootStrapper already included in VS 2005?

Thanks in Advance.

Oh, forget it. It is not possible to make a single executable to handle both framework and my program installations through BootStrapper! :mad:
If you create a setup project there is an option to install the prerequisites from the same location as the installer - if you are shipping on CD etc then this will just require them to be in the same folder, if the user is being given a zip (or similar) include them there.
If they are downloading via the web then if they are accesible at the same URL it will download them on demand if the user doesn't already have them installed.