Deployment question


Dec 25, 2003
I have Three Servers

2-->Application Server

Now I want to store all my .aspx pages on to (1)WebServer
dll assemblies on to the ApplicationServer and
DataBase to the Database Server

What I should do to make this happen ?How and where I make configure so that the pages detect assemblies (dlls) from the Application Server.
Can any one help me ?
Are you intending to just share the DLLs out on the application server or is there going to be some other communication mechanism in place (remoting etc.)?

If they are just being shared out then I can't see much benefit in doing so and it would generally be easier to install them onto the web server itself.
PlausiblyDamp said:
Are you intending to just share the DLLs out on the application server or is there going to be some other communication mechanism in place (remoting etc.)?

If they are just being shared out then I can't see much benefit in doing so and it would generally be easier to install them onto the web server itself.
Yes, if I am using remoting
I got the following reply for this question from some other groups

I got the following reply for this question from some other groups :

" This scenario depends if the servers are within the same LAN or not.

If they are, I would probably use .NET Remoting to transfer objects
between tiers.

Your Data layer would remote to your application layer and your
application layer would remote to your web server.

No remoting would be necessary on the webserver layer objects.

if the servers are outside the local lan, like on the internet, then
you would use WebServices to accomplish this.

Thank u for all your help