deployment path

Ace Master

Aug 28, 2003
I made a setup project and can't find anywhere how to change the install path of the application.

I want to be default c:/application .... not c:/program files/application.

Is better even the user not to see where the app will be installed, but the path to be c:/app

any ideeas?

Because I have two application which interact them self’s

And if one application is not where is supposed to be, nothing will work.

I don’t mind if the user knows where the application will go …. But if it’s possible that app. destination to be not editable, will be great.
Instead of counting on a hard-coded path, have you considered having one application put something in the registry at a known location (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE...\MyApp\Location="c:\..."). The first time your app runs, or during install, set the registry value to the install path.

When the second program runs it can check the same registry location to see if the app is installed and where it got installed to.

That would be much preferred IF you wrote both apps. If one isn't yours and must be at a hard-coded location then that won't work.

I believe on under File System, under your application folder, there is a property to change your default installation directory for the primary output.

(click on your primary output, and view its properties)