Deployment as .EXE?


Feb 21, 2005
It seems best to post this here.. Is there any way to create a .EXE application of my VB.NET program? :confused:
I'm doing a HTML generatorusing windows forms and it would be great if anyone could tell me/provide assistance on how I can make it a .EXE file without the .NET framework files, so that it can run even if its stored in a diskette. I do not want to create an installer file, just an application. I have seen such an example of a .EXE but I do not know how it is done.
Thanks in advance.
to run a .Net exe the target system must have the framework installed.
If the target PC does meet this requirement then deployment is a simple case of building the exe and copying it and any dependant Dlls (should be in the bin folder along with the exe) to the target PC (or floppy).
I have a follow-up question to this. I've created my own application in VB.NET (2002), and have created a package/deployment project. Everything's fantastic, 'cept in order to install the program, the user can either use the bare approach (run the .msi file), or the nice Windows Installer interface (run the Setup.exe file). However, to accomplish the latter, I'll have to offer my program as a .zip file containing the setup.exe, setup.ini, InstMsiw.exe, .msi file, etc. blech... How do I go about creating a single .exe file which, when run, will proceed to perform the installation with no user interaction other than the typical "where do ya wanna install this thing" question(s), etc?

What do you mean by the 'bare' approach? You can customise the GUI pretty nicely, fit it with your own banner, and so on. It's reasonably flexible.

If I wanted anymore than what the MSI provides, I would write my own installer application with the loose files!