Deploying with MSDE


Senior Contributor
Sep 11, 2003
So now that I finally have an understanding on MSDE a few questions for the guru's. On my production computer I have set up a special user so that is just the admin of one database, this way I don't have to use sa when connecting to that database, I used the osql command line utitlity to do this.

Is it better to provide instructions to the person installing MSDE or to do everything automatically. The reason I ask is that installing MSDE itself is pretty simple, but what if there are already instances of it running on that computer? How do you get them to import your database and set-up the user name and password for your database and application? Or rather I imagine you would want them to set up their own user name and database password, how would you store this securely on thier computer? When you consider that the only way I know of to create a user name and password that is assigned to a specific database (this keeps a user who discovers it from messing with the masterdb, or other risks), is to use the osql utility... that's not an easy task for your typical help desk person who installs programs on the network.

I like the idea of using MSDE over MS Access, it just comes to deployment that I'm really confused as to what is the best way, and how to deal with username and password issues. I'd love some advice, and some do's and don't's from the guru's who have deployed applications that use MSDE for what the best methods and practices are. Maybe I'm over-thinking things and looking to deep, but that is why I'm looking for something from you more-experienced programers.
