deploying app accross network


Jun 17, 2003
I am trying to deploy a VB.NET application accross the network so that all users will run off 1 executable, instead of having to install it on every machine.

I have tested on 2 development machine one win2k and one win98 and it has worked. However when I've tried running the shortcut on other users machines including WinXP, win2k & win98, I get

"Application has generated an exception that could not be handled"
Process id=0xffe2adbf(-1921601), Thread id=Oxffe47ddf(-1802785)
Click ok to terminate the application.

The machines that this is installed on have the .net framework installed on them.
Does anyone have any ideas why this is not working.
I do know that .net code access security by default prevents you doing lots of things while running from a network share. You can use the tools in Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> .NET stuff to give the assembly full trust on the machines.
Do I do this on the machine which is running the executable or the client machines that are connecting to it ?