Deploying a Website

Eduardo Lorenzo

Jun 27, 2006
Hi everybody, this is my first time to actually deploy a website up to the internet and I am going to do it from home.

The site is finished and runs using an MS.Access database as its back-end.

The host is a free hosting service and it has an interface much like the "Attach File" upload interface found in most e-mail services. But it is of course better because I can create folders.

My question is as to how exactly am I going to deploy the project? Is it as easy as uploading the .aspx, .aspx.resx, .aspx.vb files up to the server and re-creating the paths (because the table is saved in the /database folder)?

I mean. I am at a complete loss here.. where do I start? What changes to I have to make to:

1. Connection String
2. Code behind/ HTML code

please help.

first time i tried, i got

"Parser Error" and the highlight was at the

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Codebehind="mypage.aspx.vb" Inherits="mypage.WebForm1" %>
The "Parser Error" likely occurs because your host does not have the ASP.NET framework installed on the server. It is highly unlikely that a free host would support ASP.NET sites.

Other than that, simply copy all the files from your working directory to the server. If the path to your database is not a relative path, you will have to change that too.
