Deploying a VB6 app with interop .NET components


Sep 16, 2004
I've written a control using .NET to be used in an older VB6 program. The interop works fine (though the details were thorny) on my host computer, and I finally got it to work on other computers as well. Unfortunately, getting it to work on other computers requires me to manually run regasm to generate the type libraries and register the assembly/tlb.

Despite having checked the "Register for COM" option for the .NET component's output in my .NET installer, it obviously is not properly registering everything. I'm not sure if that option is meant for compatibility for COM objects in .NET programs, rather than what I"m doing (.NET object in VB6).

So at this point I'm either looking for advice on how to make the .NET installer properly register my .NET interop DLL, or if that can't be done, at least how to automate or programmatically run the command-line regasm instruction so that things work correctly after the installer is run without any manual user intervention.