Deploy with database


Jun 16, 2004
Deploy an application that uses a database (mdb).

How can I do this in such a way, that my database is installed to the right folder (like c:\base.mdb), and the program files somewhere else (perhaps even user-chosen)?
Besides that, I need to run a simple .reg file that will register a DSN for my database.

I've read our FAQ, but it mostly focuses on dotNETfx.exe, I'll manage to include that into my setup project, however I'm having problems with above mentioned files.
If you use Visual Studio's setup wizard then it will generate a basic setup package that will allow the user to choose their own install path for the application anyway. If you require other files to be added then you can add a new custom folder to the setup and give it a path of c:\base or where ever and drop your file into it. This should then deploy it to the required location.
Also as part of this setup package you could import a .reg file so the registry keys are created as part of the install as well.
Ok, thanks

how would the imported registries from the file be written? Will VS.NET run those files (like register dll's and other stuff?).
If you import the .reg file into the installer then the registry will be updated as part of the install process, VS itself will not be responsible for running the files in question.
If you go through the setup wizard I mentioned above you will get a .MSI file produced which contains the files required to install the product (and associated path information), file extensions, registry keys, UI for the installer, install conditions etc. A user wanting to install the product would run this .MSI and it would install the product, configure the PC based on the settings you configured.
If you have a run through the wizard you will see it is quite easy to follow for a simple setup package.