Delete data in a table in Application_End


Sep 18, 2003
Sri Lanka
i'm developing a small web application using .net C# and SQL as the back end
i'm writing some data into a table when user is using the site. i want to clear this table in the application_end

my problem is i cannot call the class and stored procedure in the Application_End Function
it is not working

does anybody know why or does anybody have any idea to delete this table when the user close the browser.

thank you very much
hi PlausiblyDamp
thank you for the reply
i tried to clear tables on seesion_end too but it didn't work
my problem is i cannot call the classes and sored procedure in global.asax page
i used a signout button and call those stored procedures
that was working fine
but i cannot imagine that always user signed out by clicking on my signout button. he may close the windaow and sign out. that is where i want to delete these things
if u have any ideas pls help
BTW thank you very much again for replying me !!!!!
have a nice day