Hey guys, long time no see!
I've recently been away from VB.NET, playing with Blitz3D. It's an SDK designed to make simple directX powered games using the BASIC syntax, and since coming back to VB I've been thinking about how I can implement what I've learned from it in my applications.
You see, ordinarily in VB when I need lots of the same class, I'll create an array of them - resizing the array when necessary. But in Blitz I can create classes like so:
m.clsTimer=New clsTimer
the 'm' designation can then be used with the scope of declaration to refer to the said class, and if I need to access it from outside the declaration I can loop through all instances of clsTimer with:
for m.clsTimer=each clsTImer
...and delete an instance (from within said loop) with:
delete m
this technique allows me to create and destroy classes at will, without needing to keep track of them within a public-scope array. I know you're just begging me to ask my question, so here it is:
How do I implement this class technique within VB8.NET? Is it even possible? Even a link to a page that explains it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I've recently been away from VB.NET, playing with Blitz3D. It's an SDK designed to make simple directX powered games using the BASIC syntax, and since coming back to VB I've been thinking about how I can implement what I've learned from it in my applications.
You see, ordinarily in VB when I need lots of the same class, I'll create an array of them - resizing the array when necessary. But in Blitz I can create classes like so:
m.clsTimer=New clsTimer
the 'm' designation can then be used with the scope of declaration to refer to the said class, and if I need to access it from outside the declaration I can loop through all instances of clsTimer with:
for m.clsTimer=each clsTImer
...and delete an instance (from within said loop) with:
delete m
this technique allows me to create and destroy classes at will, without needing to keep track of them within a public-scope array. I know you're just begging me to ask my question, so here it is:
How do I implement this class technique within VB8.NET? Is it even possible? Even a link to a page that explains it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!