Debugging HLSL in C#


Feb 3, 2006
Has anyone had any luck debugging HLSL effects in C#? I have tried everything I can think of including:
1) set DeviceType.Reference for the device
2) set the ShaderFlags.Debug for the effect
3) Set the DirectX to use the debug version and enabled debuggin shaders
4) tried running the Debug/Direct3D/Start with Direct3D Debugging

Nothing seems to be working. In all cases when I set a break point in the .fx file, when the program runs the break point show a little warning symol and says something like "This break point will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this file."

Does anyone know how to do this and what I've done wrong? Thanks
Same problem

Hi there, I was just wondering how the HLSL debugging went. Did you find some answers? I am also trying to debug my shaders in VS 2005 and am failing miserably. I have read that 2005 does not support shader debugging adn that the PIX profiler is meant to fill in this hole. Anyone knows that this is a fact?
