DataGridView with first empty row


Oct 21, 2003
Hi There,

I am making a database dialog control that is an add-in to another program. It should give the user the abillity to search from that Database Dialog in to a database. De datagridview is databound to a table via a sql dataset. So the header information is there

Now I would like to keep the first row of the datagridview empty to give the user the possibility to enter in the colomns they want search information and then klik on a button search and the dialog will perform the SQL query with the entered values for the columns.

How can I leave the first row of the datagridview empty?

I have tried almost everything except customizing the datagridview.

If here is a other option please let me know.

All the best.
You can insert rows even after binding with [grid].rows.Insert

To bind to a xml file and add an empty row above you can do just this:
            Dim dset As DataSet = New DataSet()
            DataGridView1.BindData(dset, "category")
            DataGridView1.Rows.Insert(0, 1)
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try

this snippet inserts a blank row at index 0, the 1 stands for count. Since we want just 1 row, count equals 1.

I tried to do so but I get the message "Rows cannot programmatically be added to the Datagridview's rows collection when the control is data-bound".

The DataGridView control is bound to a DataTable and after that I am trying to add the row.

Is this possible I ask myself and DPrometheus ? :confused:
It was not as direct as I thought. The following is the solution for this question:

DataTable dbTable = new DataTable();
SqlDataAdapter sqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmdString,connString);

// Add empty Row to dataTable
DataRow dataRow;
dataRow = dbTable.NewRow();
dbTable.Rows.InsertAt(dataRow, 0);


dataGridView1.DataSource = dbTable;
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