Datagrid - Turn rows into column heading


Dec 16, 2004
I've developed some charts where I'd like to place the source data below the chart output. The datapoints are by date on the X axis so I want the column heading of the datagrid to display the dates and the data to be the rows of the datagrid.

Below is how I'd like the data to display in the grid (Date on top).

Area Type 9/04 9/11 9/18 9/25 10/02 10/09 10/16 10/23
Rcv Chrg 240 243 255 242 250 240 265 235

This is what it looks like after retrieving with the SELECT statement.

Date Area Type Amount
9/04 Rcv Chrg 240
9/11 Rcv Chrg 243
9/18 Rcv Chrg 255
10/02 Rcv Chrg 242
10/09 Rcv Chrg 250
10/23 Rcv Chrg 240

It would be nice to be able to create a crosstab query but I've looked for 2 days straight with no success.

Any help would be appreciated.