datagrid question


May 22, 2003
Saybrook, IL
I am trying to populating a datagrid using a dataset. Problem is that this dataset is getting populated from another thread. once the dataset is populated.. i'm doing a raiseevent to send the dataset teh event handler. in the handler i do a datagrid1.datasource=ds. if I leave it at that.. the datagrid is populated, but there is a plus sign in the grid..i click on that select the name of the table and there is my data. in the past when not using a thread I would put a datagrid1.datamemeber="tablename" and it would display the data in the grid without having to hit the plus key. does anyone know of a way around this. I want the grid to be displaying all the data without having to hit the plus key.

by the way.. when i try to add the tablename to the datamemeber, i get an error about "controls created on one thread cannot be parented to a control oon a different thread.

hopeing someone can help
got somethign working.. just not like I want..
Visual Basic:
   Dim MyDataSet As DataSet
    Dim MyDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter

    Dim t1 As Thread
    Dim t1Start As New ThreadStart(AddressOf querydatabase)
    Dim callGrid As New MethodInvoker(AddressOf binddatatogrid)

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    End Sub

    Public Sub querydatabase()
        Dim o1 As New InvokerClass
        o1.Server = "(local)"
        MyDataSet = o1.Invokeit


    End Sub
    Public Sub binddatatogrid()
        Me.DataGrid1.DataSource = MyDataSet
        Me.DataGrid1.DataMember = "authors"

    End Sub
    Public Sub launchit()
        t1 = New Thread(t1Start)
        t1.IsBackground = True
        t1.Name = "Test"
    End Sub

I'd still like to be able to pass a parm in to the query database and then use that parm on the o1.server=parm. but haven't got that figured out yet. I was going to try to make the querydatabase into a class and use a property.. does that sound like I'd be on the right track with that.