Datagrid Editcommand custom controls, and something else...


Apr 7, 2004
Hi people...

i have 2 problems... i want to put a custom control in a datagrid editcommand and i dont know how...

and the second problem is, i have a table, and when the guests want edit a value they must edit just one column, the others autogenerate themselvs...

i dont know how to make this 2 things.... i need some help...

PD: Sorry of my english..
I can't speak to your first question. However, to solve your second I would suggest not using the datagrid edit methods. Instead consider using a button in the datagrid row that will launch a seperate web form that is used to update the under lying database table. Using this technique then you can determine exactly how many fields can be edited. After updating the data you can redisplay the datagrid which will contained the refreshed data.
ok thanks...

tate, for doing this, you could make datagrid.column(index).visible = False... and i could show only whot i want... but, im looking something better...

tanks anyway...