Datagrid columns

  • Thread starter Thread starter Eregnon
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There's probably a simple answer to this, but I just don't see it.

I have a datagrid. I have a data set with a table. I want to only display selected columns from the table in the grid. How do I do that? Every method I see in the help examples displays the entire table.
Hi Eregnon

I thought it would be simple as well, but here is what I did.

Firstly, don't set up the grid properties DataSource & TableSource. I found it easier to set them in code.

I've copied the code from my form (Saves on spelling mistakes)

I've got a grid called grdHotelGroups, but the code should be self explanatory (I think)

You have to set up a DataGridTableStyle and a DataGridTextBoxColumn

I copied the code from MSDN and changed it to suit. I left the comments as they make more sense than me.

Hope this helps

Visual Basic:
Private Sub FormatHGGrid()

        With Me.grdHotelGroups
            .DataSource = HotelGroupData
            .DataMember = "tblHotelGroup"

            .BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
            .CaptionFont = New Font("Tahoma", 10.0!, FontStyle.Bold)
            .CaptionText = "Hotel Groups"
            .Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8.0!)
        End With

        ' Put as much of the formatting as possible here.
        Dim grdTableStyle1 As New DataGridTableStyle()
        With grdTableStyle1
            .HeaderFont = New Font("Tahoma", 8.0!, FontStyle.Bold)
            .RowHeadersVisible = False
            ' Do not forget to set the MappingName property. 
            ' Without this, the DataGridTableStyle properties
            ' and any associated DataGridColumnStyle objects
            ' will have no effect.
            .MappingName = "tblHotelGroup"
            .PreferredColumnWidth = 125
            .PreferredRowHeight = 15
        End With

        ' Format each column that you want to appear in the DataGrid.
        ' In most cases, the DataGridTextBoxColumn class is appropriate.
        ' However, you can also use the DataGridBoolColumn class. Both
        ' of these extend the MustInherit DataGridColumnStyle class. Notice
        ' that the column style properties available to you are more limited
        ' than those for the table style. For example, you cannot change
        ' the color of an individual column.
        Dim grdColStyle1 As New DataGridTextBoxColumn()
        'With grdColStyle1
        '    .HeaderText = ""
        '    .MappingName = "intHotelGroupID"
        '    .Width = 0
        '    .ReadOnly = True
        'End With

        Dim grdColStyle2 As New DataGridTextBoxColumn()
        With grdColStyle2
            .HeaderText = "Hotel Groups"
            .MappingName = "vstrHotelGroupName"
            .Width = Me.grdHotelGroups.Width
        End With

        ' Add the style objects to the table style's collection of 
        ' column styles. Without this the styles do not take effect.        
        grdTableStyle1.GridColumnStyles.AddRange(New DataGridColumnStyle() {grdColStyle2})
    End Sub
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Hmmm...glad to see promotes such efficient coding. :)

Thanks for your help. I'll give this a shot.